How to increase your blog’s traffic

25 07 2006

There is a whole arm of the technological industry dedicated to helping bloggers increase the traffic on their blogs. However, I think I may have found an option they have failed to identify.

In recent weeks I have taken the opportunity to interact with legalistic positions on alcohol, specifically within the Southern Baptist Convention, as a result this blog’s traffic has dramatically increased. (see the following posts and comments here, here and here)
So for all of the gadgets and toys that the experts say to add to your blog to make it more attractive let’s add another:

Jesus drinking and making wine and the Christians who think it is sinful to do so.

This seems to get folks excited and reading.

However, this site’s aim is not controversy, numbers, or traffic, but rather edification. My goal here is to spend time with Jesus and his Word and then share it with you. To fill my own heart with love and esteem and then live and interact with life while (hopefully) providing edification.

Therefore, I’m looking forward to getting back to affection stirring biblical devotion on this site. You know the kind of affectionate praise that causes your heart to beat faster and your eyes to water as you read and interact with the Word!! This is where its at for me. Thanks for joining me as I try to learn and love Jesus more.
by grace,
