some notes and folks

13 10 2006


I am particularly excited headed into this weekend as we are having our annual church conference, The Enemy Within, featuring author Kris Lundgaard. Kris is going to deal with the believer’s fight against sin through the power of Christ. It should be an awesome time of exhortation towards the holiness of Jesus. If you attend the conference you’ll receive a copy of Kris’ book The Enemy Within, but be sure to check out his other book Through the Looking Glass. If you are in or around Omaha this weekend come and join us starting at 8 tomorrow morning. The audio should be up early next week.

The Terrell Owens issue got a lot of attention a couple of weeks ago. In my article that posted on the day of T.O.’s hospitalization I attempted to think biblically about the very public life of Owens. Whether or not he attempted suicide is not the bottom line issue. The guy’s heart is crying out for worship and his actions are seeking to accommodate this insatiable desire. The point of the article was to take a very prominent news story of that day and to think biblically about it not to report news; all of the major networks were doing that and reporting that it was a suicide attempt. All that to say I believe the diagnosis of the patterns in T.O.’s life are biblically diagnosed in the article.

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