rejoice & be glad

1 09 2006

Psalm 40:16 But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation say continually, “Great is the LORD!”

It is truly one of the great benefits of the Christian life to partake of joy and happiness in Christ. But track down the joy. Believers have not created nor are they sustaining this joy, rather it is God’s joy in himself, his pleasure in being God and his joy in rescuing sinners from themselves, even making worshippers who would rejoice and be glad in him.

God is so faithful. I wake up in the morning, draw a breath, open my eyes and remember that God has sent his Son to make me a worshipper. I remember that I am not an enemy of God under his condemnation but a friend of God wrapped in the infinitely valuable righteousness of Jesus. This is not a dream. This is not a theory. This is reality!! Jesus Christ is my Savior! The one who is the supreme object of the Father’s affections has now, by divine grace, become my delight!!

The Father is amplifying his love for his Son through the regeneration of sinners and the subsequent delight and joy in Christ. God has bought a world-sized rubbish dump and turned it into a botanical garden of praise to Jesus.

And as Jesus prayed in John 17 (v.13) we are able (graced) to partake of this joy. How blessed are we as believers? We get to ‘rejoice and be glad’ in God. This joy is the true pearl of sanctification; though we struggle with sin and long for glory, we also stand, with eyes closed taking deep breaths enjoying the fragrance of Jesus Christ, our salvation.

This is fuel to join the Psalmist and all others who love salvation saying, “Great is the LORD!”
