Irish Stereotypes?

13 04 2006


Here in America an interesting thing happens each March 17th, millions of people come out of the closet to shamelessly perpetuate a negative stereotype (and by in large a false one!!) of Irish people.

Some of course are truly Irish, others are Americans with Irish ancestory, but by in large you have a day set aside annually where millions of non-Irish people join in a celebration of being Irish, where so many, under the pretense of borrowed Irish-ness get to guiltlessly drink themselves silly.

Let me just say up front, that I like being Irish and I like good beer.

However, I do not think that it is the pale skin and bland food that draws the folks in.

Instead I believe it is the common thread of locking arms to rebel against God. The caravans that go from bar to bar on this “holiday” serve to assuage consciences.

Being Irish and drunk is appealing to hearts that want to rebel against God and while being identified with a group, thus attempting to ease guilty consciences before their Creator.

guiness_sfw2.jpgSo I am out to promote a different type of Irish stereotype; one that fears God more than man, while enjoying delicious stout in a manner that honors and thanks God for his goodness in giving us such good gifts!

1 Corinthians 10:31 31 Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.