How to live a miserable Christian life (conclusion)

15 08 2006

dj.jpgThis is the conclusion to the series here on How to live a miserable Christian life.

The goal has been to point out some things that commonly plague Christians in their walk with Jesus, while hoping to encourage a heart change leading to a life change that produces greater joy and more ascribed glory to God.

I have appreciated many of the encouraging words as result of this series, I do pray that it is helpful. As I mentioned in the outset these are posts that have been written to myself first and foremost with a desire to share “the love” with others.

So let’s look at the final two. I know that there are myriads of others, however, these have been some common ones that I have encountered.

9. Deny the Sovereignty of God

Not many Christians will deny that God is sovereign…cofessionally anyway. There are of course those who believe that God does not know the future or cannot control the future (open theists). I am not talking about this group here. Instead I am referring to those who affirm that God is in control (Ps.115.3) but then deny this theological truth with their life.

A common way that we do this is by worrying. Rarely do we find ourselves worrying about what has happened in the past (unless it is the present or future consequence of the action). Instead we worry about what will happen in the present and in the future.

Jesus diagnosis this problem by saying that it is due to a lack of faith and is a characteristic of unbelievers (Matt. 6.30-32). This really is the issue. When we are worrying about events or circumstances we are reacting with a faithless self-absorption that is upset because we have realized that we are not sovereign. And to make matters worse, we just marinate in this posture of anxiety, refusing to trust and depend upon the God who is sovereign and good.

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